Lighting for businesses

Business lighting is a very broad concept; the need for functional lighting, mood lighting and smart lighting will differ per room and working environment. Using the right lighting in your company will make a world of difference. Both on the well-being and productivity of your employees and on your energy and maintenance costs. To optimally equip your company lighting, Berla offers a wide range of products, with which we can provide the ideal light sources for every situation.

The benefits of high-quality commercial lighting

Having quality lighting for every room and every workplace has a significant impact. The right lighting increases the well-being of your staff, which in turn translates into better productivity on the shop floor. Optimal light contributes to a pleasant, safe working environment and promotes concentration, focus and happiness at work.

It’s not just your employees who benefit from good corporate lighting. Berla’s sustainable and energy-efficient LED lighting saves you a lot of energy costs. Besides the lower energy bill, high-quality lighting also saves on maintenance costs, which makes the overall picture interesting.

Lighting advice and lighting from Berla

In order to optimally illuminate every area of your company, you need a strong basis. That’s why Berla always works with a lighting plan, with tailor-made lighting advice. In this plan we take into account the layout of your premises and the function of each space. We also take into account issues such as natural light and the transitions between different environments.

Berla mostly works with lighting of our own brand, produced in our Dutch production facility. Of course, we also supply quality lighting of any other brand. With this approach, we offer high quality lighting that can be fully customised and fits within the lighting plan. We also include clear installation instructions in the plan, so that your installer can install the lighting completely as desired.